Find an apartment quicker with the SwissCaution Provisional Certificate!

Your advantages
The SwissCaution Provisional rental guarantee Certificate simplifies your life. This document provides immediate proof to your landlord that you have already received an agreement to obtain a rental guarantee from SwissCaution. A great reassurance for landlords!
Good to know
- The Provisional Certificate of SwissCaution assures your landlord of the delivery of your future SwissCaution rental guarantee.
- Please note that the Provisional Certificate is not a rental guarantee certificate. If you are already in possession of your lease or a draft lease, apply directly for a rental guarantee.
- Provisional Certificate requests can only be made online.

Before finding your apartment
While you're looking for housing, request your Provisional rental guarantee Certificate by clicking on the link below.
Once your request has been instantly validated, SwissCaution will immediately send you the Provisional Certificate by email, thus assuring your landlord of the delivery of your future SwissCaution rental guarantee.

Once you've found your new apartment
Received your lease or draft lease? Great! Now all you have to do is request your SwissCaution rental guarantee. To do so, please :
- Enter the number of your Provisional Certificate in the rental guarantee application form below;
- Attach a copy of the required documents;
- Pay your annual premium
Once your request has been processed, SwissCaution will send your rental guarantee certificate directly to your landlord or real estate agency, with a copy to you.
Costs and conditions
- The SwissCaution Provisional Attestation is free of charge. You do not have to pay any fees to receive this document, which assures your landlord that your future SwissCaution rental guarantee will be issued when you request it;
- The Provisional Certificate is issued for residential leases only. This document does not replace or have the value of a rental guarantee certificate;
- The Provisional Certificate is issued for a maximum rental guarantee of CHF 15,000;
- The Provisional Certificate is valid for 3 months from the date of issue, subject to the accuracy of the information provided;
- The Certificate is personal and non-transferable;
- The Certificate is issued solely by electronic means (e-mail).