General conditions of use of the website
By accessing the websites of SC SwissCaution SA (SwissCaution), you agree to the following terms of use:

The purpose of the SwissCaution websites is to provide information about company, its services and offers for strictly personal and private use.
Although the SwissCaution Websites have been designed with all due care and attention and are regularly updated, no guarantee can be made regarding the correctness, accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness of its contents. Information published on this website may be fully or partially modified or deleted at any time and without prior notice.
SwissCaution accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss or damage, whether material or immaterial, resulting from access to or use/non-use of the information published, from misuse of the connection, or from technical faults or malfunctioning.
Links to third-party websites
SwissCaution has no control over the design, content or offers of linked third-party websites. No responsibility, whatsoever, is therefore accepted in connection with such websites. Users who access or use such websites do so at their own risk.
Ownership and intellectual property rights
All SwissCaution website content is protected by copyright. Content or any portion thereof may be downloaded, printed, copied or saved provided this is for personal or internal business purposes only. Public or commercial use of the content contained on this website is prohibited without the prior written consent of SwissCaution. Copyright notices, trademarks and other legally protected names may not be altered or removed. All property rights shall remain with SwissCaution. Anyone saving or otherwise reproducing content from this website shall be deemed to have accepted these terms of use.
Products and service provision
The products and services offered on the SwissCaution websites are exclusively geared to residents in Switzerland.